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全球知名的职业发展机构 Vault 发布了 2019 年的全球咨询公司排名,这项排名已经成为了全球范围内对于咨询公司的公认排名。

2019 年最值得工作的咨询公司:


MBB 还是那么能打,和 2018 年榜单一样,稳稳地占据着榜单的前三名。


其中,麦肯锡公司不负众望,再次拿下第一,是当之无愧的咨询行业巨头。值得一提的是,麦肯锡自 2002 年以来,有 15 年在该榜单位列“最佳咨询公司”第一名。


麦肯锡公司于 1926 年由詹姆斯·麦肯锡在美国芝加哥创建。历经多年发展,截止2014年,该公司已经在60个不同的国家或地区建立了104个办事处。目前为财富 1000 强企业中的三分之二提供服务。


贝恩咨询公司是三大管理咨询公司中最年轻和最小的一家,该公司于 1973 年由比尔·贝恩率领的十名波士顿咨询公司的成员而组成。

目前贝恩公司被 Glassdoor 网站评为“最佳工作场所”第一名。


波士顿咨询公司于 1963 年成立,由布鲁斯·亨德森创建。波士顿咨询公司目前在全球 48 个国家或地区拥有 88 个办事处,雇员超过 1.2 万人。该公司自 2001 年来,一直位列咨询杂志的“最佳雇员公司”名单内。




  • Strategy & Operation:战略规划、组织架构调整、管理流程再造等。
  • Human Capital:员工持股计划、人力资源规划、薪酬体系设计等人力资源方面。
  • Technology Integration:信息技术方面的规划和实施,主要竞争对手是Accenture,IBM,Capgemini等IT咨询公司。


Oliver Wyman是专注金融行业策略和风险管理的著名咨询公司。公司成立于2003年4月,现在是Marsh & McLennan Companies, Inc.(MMC)旗下的一家公司。奥纬的客户涵盖了全球100家最大金融机构的80%。

Oliver Wyman的咨询服务分六大领域。三大以客户群体分类的咨询服务以经济学领域的深厚知识为基础以及对公司银行业务、机构银行业务、零售银行业务、商业银行业务和保险业务所遇到的结构和问题的深入了解。

6Putnam Associates

大家对 Putnam Associates 可能不太熟悉。

它是一家专注于生物制药、生物科技和医疗的战略咨询公司,2016 年的排名还在 32 名,今年已经跻身前十,可见其发展速度和综合实力的增长。




  • Performance Improvement:运营管理咨询,也会有部分战略内容。
  • Risk:为企业提供风险管理和内容方面的咨询服务。
  • Information Technology Riks & Assurance
  • Cross-Advisory



9The Bridgespan Group

Bridgespan 是美国公益界大名鼎鼎的咨询公司,专为非营利组织和慈善机构提供咨询服务,所有这些工作的目的是:解决当今社会面临的一些最棘手的问题,包括打破贫困的循环——这是哈佛商学院(Harvard Business School)两个案例研究的主题。




Mean Value小编在这里分享一下咨询行业的 Interview Guide,帮你迅速进入正确的面试备战中。


每个阶段的面试,面试官都考察不同的方面,而了解面试官的internal question 是关键。

在第一阶段面试中,面试官主要考察你的 soft skills,面试官的internal question 是:Is this someone who I would like to work with?/ Is this someone who makes a good impression on clients?

第二阶段的case interview,面试官的internal question是: Is this someone who is an achiever focused on results?/Is this someone who can solve problems efficiently and logically?

在实际工作中,problem solving更重要,是咨询顾问立命之本;但作为面试中考察problem solving能力的case,其重要性、优先级不如soft skill。


  • prepare behavioral answers
  • prepare for the case
  • connect and be positive


一. Behavioral Question

Behavioral-interview questions 一般都基于你申请职位的必备技能和职位要求,建议你去看一下过往这个职位的ideal candidate都有哪些要求(比如:excellent multi-tasker, strong communicator, highly organized, etc),想一想你过往有没有什么经历可以证明这些申请条件,准备几个“short stories”,然后反复练习,直到你能够流利并且自信的说出你的故事。

以下是一些typical behavioral-interview questions: 

  • Tell me about a time when you:convinced someone/a group of doing something they didn’t want to doachieved a goal you had set for yourself had to persuade a group to deal with a crisis/difficult situation
  • Why consulting? You don’t want to go into academia anymore? 
  • Why this firm(locations, business areas of specialty, reputation, career progression and direction, company culture)
  • Tell me about the highest-pressure situation that you’ve dealt with in the past six months.
  • Can you describe a situation in which you had to deal with a difficult judge in court? What did you do?
  • What big challenges have you faced during the discovery process in a lawsuit? How did you address them?
  • Can you provide me with a specific example of a time when you used good judgment and logic to solve a problem?
  • Can you tell me about a time when used your oral persuasion skills to successfully convince a judge or jury to rule in your client’s favor?
  • At your last job, what was your typical way of dealing with conflict? Give me an example.
  • Can you tell me about a time when you had to go above and beyond the call of duty in order to bring a case to trial?
  • Have you ever been involved in a situation in which you and a boss or colleague had a disagreement over a strategy (such as how to tackle a client’s defense)? How did you resolve it?
  • Can you describe a situation in which you needed to brainstorm differing or conflicting ideas with others in order to help accomplish work goals?
  • Can you tell me about the biggest mistake you made on a past case and how you remedied it?
  • Can you tell me about a time when you were the lead attorney on a case? What challenges did you face, and how did you address them?
  • Can you tell me about a recent situation in which you had to deal with a very upset client?

 回答问题的结构: Headling+STAR法则

  • Headline sentence describing achievement
  • Situation or Task Describe the Situation or Task in a past job or volunteer experience that you had to address (for example, dealing with a difficult coworker, going the extra mile to complete an assignment, etc.).
  • Action overall approach and detailsActions you took to address the situation or to complete the task.
  • Result Finish with summary of results

二. Case Interveiw

CaseInterview的问题一般都是咨询顾问在工作中常遇到的问题,映射了真实的工作状态,因而可以用Case Interview的方法来检测面试者的反应水平和问题解决能力,来判断是否具备成为咨询顾问的资质和潜力。各大公司网站也会有practice cases,下面推荐几本资料:

1. Case in Point 

2. 基础入门: Victor Cheng的Case Interview Secret (福利) 

3. Victor Cheng的Look Over My Shoulder,多套模拟面试录音,重点在于有深入讲解。Victor在其中有海量大小技巧,实用而不失逻辑性。 (福利) 4. 可以在网上找知名大学的casebook来作为训练素材


三. 准备一份问题

准备一份你可以问面试官的问题,不要局限于问关于travel 和work-life balance 的问题,面试官听到太多了,另外展现出你在之前对该公司做过research(offices, leadership, areas of focus, career progression)。如果之前能够查到面试官的biography,可以问一些关于他的问题,建立connection。
Sample Questions:

  • Could you tell me a little about the culture in [FIRM]’s[CITY] office? How does it compare to the culture in the company as a whole?
  • When thinking about your co-workers, do you consider them to be your colleagues, your friends, or both? (this question can tell you a lot about the kind of culture within a company or an office)
  • As a minority/female consultant, have you ever experienced any negative interactions with client representatives where you felt that race was an issue? If so, how did you deal with it? Did your managers support you with your concerns?
  • As someone with a tech background, I’m wondering whether my previous experience will translate well into Consulting. Could you tell me how much you’ve reached back into your prior experience in Technology during your career at [FIRM]?
  • I really like the fact that your company operates on a generalist model where consultants can float around on different types of assignments early in their careers. What was your experience like when you were in this stage of your career? Did you find it difficult to jump onto client engagements where you had no prior background and hit the ground running? What sort of support did your team give you in these cases?
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